Poem--Friendship, Love and Fear by Kathryn Lim

friendship; a dance on the razor's edge
feelings; tender like the silken clouds
words, unpredictable like the dancer's steps

what is friendship
perhaps i don't know
what is love
perhaps i don't know
but surely this is a great place to start the ride

fear kept me from loving
loving kept me from fear
I love in order to die and surrender
I die in order to love and let go
i notice myself asking what is going on
things becoming less and less significant
i become more and more vulnerable
you came along my way in an angel's form
receiving me just as i am
painting the possibilities of life
adding colors onto the canvas of my heart
vulnerability became my friend
you became my vulnerability

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1 comment:

  1. brilliant page...It just take me out of this world ....good choice of poetry...keep it up..
