(Waste no time gossiping it doesn�t pay!)
Many people are always poking their noses in other people�s affairs for nothing.

Play your own drum, No one else, Can play it for you, It�s your drum, And your chose it your self. No one else should, Only you,
Know the tunes, Let people
Enjoy the tunes By playing it yourself Have the hands for it Take courage Play your own drum

Wake early in the morning Prepare yourself In morning sun Put your drum Have the stick ready For the best tunes. Play your own drum No one else Can play it for you It�s your own drum Prepare it yourself For you alone Know the tune of the drum

Don�t be worried How well others play You also
Can play better Often we are so busy Listening, watching Others play their drums That we don�t Play our own Practice always Make perfect Have the hand for it Play your own drum

Be proud
Of your own drum People are eager To listen to the tune The tune of your precious Drum of yours No specific qualification Needed to play well But will and seriousness Play it well and loud For it�s yours Play your own drum No one else Can play it for you.

Shall the driver Drive the tailors sewing machine?
Shall the farmer Harvest with the surgeon�s scalpel?
Shall the fisherman Paddle with the soldier�s gun? Shall the nurse Inject with teachers chalk? Shall the chef Bake the mason�s dough? Then play on other�s drum But your own!

Play your own drum Play it well and loud Have a grip of it and Use your talent Enjoy your own tune and do not be surprised
Then, before the sum is done Every one will recognize The sound of your drum They will dance To the tune of drum And crown you!

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