Memorial Card Poem for the Deceased

How do you use memorial card poems for the deceased to help ease the grieving? When a loved one passes away, you need prayers and compassion. You hunger after seeing your precious friend or family member who is no longer with you. You desire to know how she is doing or where he is. The agony of missing his or her physical presence it is sometimes too painful to endure.

Losing a spouse, child or friend when death happens is a difficult time. When those special people, you have an empty feeling that nothing seems to fill. When death happens, you need a way to cope with the grief as you mourn. After reflecting upon the loss of my family members and what happens to them, I found a helpful way to understand their new way of life.

Grief is much easier to deal with when you have a faith-filled hope that a deceased loved one is connected to God and you in a relationship that may have changed, but has not ended. Funeral poems are used to help overcome shock right away. Memorial poems are becoming more and more popular to remember a deceased friend some time later after losing a loved one.

Do you think that modern magazines and TV shows show you a healthy picture of what happens when someone dies? I don't think so. The trouble is that these publications focus on the negative - that things are getting worse. This is an outright lie - so don't spend your time and money believing them. Just like when we are born. We leave the dark and dim home of our mother's womb to discover a new home in a brighter, wider world. A new way to live. So we believe that there is a brighter and wider home beyond death - a new way and place to live after we die.

Those who follow Jesus Christ believe that He rose from the dead and now gives eternal life to all those who ask and follow Him. In the Gospel of John, Jesus told His friends that His Father's house contained many rooms. Jesus promised His friends that He would go ahead and prepare room for them so that they could be with Him. Jesus' promise is nearly twenty centuries or 2,000 years old.

Most people have disturbing thoughts after their loved ones die. Often, they ask the question, "When is my loved one coming home?" The trouble happens when they believe that their loved one is lost forever and will never, ever come back home.

The problem is that we just don't realize that our loved ones may be right at home -- home with God that is. And our hope, prayer and wish is that we want to join them again some day. After a loved one has died, using a poem for the deceased that helps us believe positive thoughts is priceless.

The new belief that can help us have peace is that death is like going through a door to enter a new home. That door opens into a brand new home, a new way of living forever with God and you. This is like moving into a new home that is more beautiful, bigger and happier. In any home, one of the best places to hang out and live is in the living room. So, if we think about our loved ones moving into God's house after they die, we can imagine them spending time with God in God's living room. They are still living, just in a newer and more beautiful place.

The love, faith and hope you have for your deceased loved ones grew throughout every day that you knew them. It will not stop now. And it doesn't fall apart after death. No, as hard as it seems today, your connection gets stronger by including the unbreakable strand of God's love. Your loved one is at home.

The last stitches of their life on earth have been sewn and the tapestry of their human life is finished. It is a marvelous picture that is now hanging the living room of God's house. Your loved one is safe in God's presence. Right now, you need to remember this and find a practical way, using memorial card poems for the deceased, to find hope and joy.

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