The Christmas Season Poem

The time is upon us to rejoice with those around

as Christmas is here for those near and dear

weather they be family or friend or otherwise

for it be the time of year intended to make us one

Cities turning on lights, decorations

and other delights for throngs

of merry folk who wonder

to and fro in ambience of festivity

that leadeth from party

to show to store

Oh, glory has come to stay

though not for the day that is

but for the month that will last

full of all which adorns our lives

and warms like the spirits

of good cheer

A tree lasting winter’s bitter cold

is what be to all symbol for reflection

bold with angels of peace and

bulbs of many a colorful shade

to represent our compassions

that arise so richly at

Christmas time

May it be in the shape

of titivated store casements

with cache to enchant ye

who be elderly or enfant

with the desire that dwell

in thine heart

May it be the pictures

transforming to allegories

of those whose stories merit

display on screens of grandeur

for they be figure in their

joy of all that be in this time of year

Cheerful to souls be carols

singing out season’s bliss

with melody that speaks of all what

be Christmas and the wonder

it hands to those in need

though specially those

of infancy

And though it come last

may it never be least for

this if anything be a season

where giving offerings of love

be of a higher

regard then receiving

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