Professional Killer - A Poem

No real civilisation is possible as long as men have jobs like: Professional Killers
Someone sent me a note today saying: " You won't change my mind about "liberating Iraq".

I knew that that 'someone' was a professional killer; what I did not know was that he was reading me, from Iraq!!!!!!

Here is a poem dedicated to him and all his colleagues in Iraq.

Professional Killer

Do not change your mind!

Since you are hired

To do this job

Make sure your children fed

From sipping children�s blood

Can�t change your mind

If it is your chore

To kill off shore

If your gear is a gun..

Who cares

About someone else�s son?

It is your job

Not to have a mind of your own

Obey the commandment!

Eat and sleep

And pray to be home!

Kill! Don't think instead!

Don't change your mind

Until you're dead!

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